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JobMaker Hiring Credit


As part of their Covid 19 economic recovery plan, the Australian government announced their JobMaker Hiring Credit.


This is for all companies who:

  1. Are not receiving JobKeeper payments

  2. Up to date with ATO lodgements, eg, tax returns, GST returns, etc

  3. Reporting payroll through STP (automatic filing of payroll data with the ATO that we currently do for you or can do if you would like)

  4. Registered for payroll PAYGW

  5. Hire the new eligible employee between the periods 7 October 2020 and 6 October 2021

  6. The new eligible employee must be between 16 and 35 years old (inclusive)

  7. The eligible employee must be paid for at least 20 hours of work per week and cannot be part of another employer’s JobMaker scheme and must have received at least one of the following payments before commencing employment with you (1) JobSeeker, (2) Parenting Payment, or (3) Youth Allowance.  For all three there are other requirements which we can discuss with you in further detail when you are ready to hire someone under the scheme.

  8. There are terms and conditions around calculating the 20 hours per week.

  9. There are specific rules as to who is excluded from the definition of eligible employees.


Through the STP filing system, the ATO is automatically able to determine who the eligible employees are and how much to pay you.


You can receive payments of up to $200 per week for new eligible employees aged 16 to 29 (inclusive) or $100 per week for new eligible employees aged 30 to 35 (inclusive).


What to do if you want to be part of the JobMaker Scheme:

You must first register for the scheme.  We can help you with this.

Even if you have no intention of hiring an eligible employee right now, it is still highly recommended that registration take place as soon as possible.


There is no requirement that you must only register just before employment commences.

For further information regarding this scheme, please feel free to get in touch with us and you can also visit ATO JobMaker.

Published: 17/03/2021 12h41

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