What types of businesses
do we have extensive bookkeeping
and accounting experience in?
Accommodation and Food Services, including hotels, motels, cafes, restaurants, take-away shops, bars, pubs, and more.
Administrative and Support Services, including office administration, debt collection, call centres, travel agencies, pest control, gardening services, florists, and more.
Aged care, palliative care, and more.
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing.
Arts and Recreation Services, including creative and performing arts, professional and recreational sports, amusement centres, and more.
Car repair, panel beating and maintenance (including spray painting).
Charter Services.
Childcare, nursery schools, early childhood centres, after care centres, vacation services, and more.
Clubs and Not for Profit Societies, including sporting clubs, social clubs, charities, religious institutions, and more.
Construction including finishing, renovations, new builds, low rise, high rise, industrial, residential, civil, and more.
Construction trades including carpentry and joinery, plumbing, electrical, stone masonry, tiling, painting, outfitting, glazing, and more.
Day and other spas, including, health and beauty, hairdressers, nail salons, and more.
Education and Training, including teaching across all levels of schools, colleges and universities.
Financial and Insurance Services, including superannuation funds, as well as financial brokering services, travel insurance, medical cover, and more.
Funeral and religious services.
Health Care and Social Assistance, including hospitals, General Practitioners, Medical Specialists, Surgeons, Dentists and ambulance services, and more.
Information, Media and Telecommunications, including print media, books, software and online media, as well as radio and TV broadcasting, internet publishing and broadcasting, internet service providers, telecommunication services, and more.
Laundry services.
Manufacturing, including manufacturing of food and beverages, polymer products, machinery, furniture and more.
Motor Vehicle Maintenance.
Nail salons.
Other repair and maintenance services.
Plant nurseries.
Postal and delivery services.
Professional, Scientific, Technical Services, including legal and accounting services, management consulting, veterinary services, copy writing, and computer system design.
Real Estate Services including the selling or renting of property, the management of rental properties, and property valuations.
Rental and Hiring including car hiring, farm animal and bloodstock leasing, and leasing of other goods like video games and heavy machinery.
Retail Petroleum Trade.
Retail Trade.
Security and Investigation Services.
Waste management and Cleaning services for all forms of property, including residential properties, strata units, company buildings, and more.
Wholesale Trade.